By S i a c h e n Glacier is well inside Pakistani Territory. India wanted to Keep an Eye & wanted Control on Pakistan`s Strategic Route to China (the Karakorum Highway). Hence in 1982 India sent a Training Expedition to Antarctica to train under “Siachen Glacier Like” conditions. Then in April 1984, India conducted an Operation known as `Operation Meghdoot`, and INVADED Pakistani Territory.Since Siachen Glacier is Not Physically connected to India (meaning that there is No Natural Ground Routes connecting India & Siachen Glacier), India used its Air Force to drop all of its forces at Siachen Glacier. And still to this day uses Helicopters & Aircrafts to transport Supplies, Food & Soldiers.
Siachen Glacier is Well Inside Pakistan, and Pakistan is fighting an Aggressor who is 5 times its size.
Siachen Glacier is the Worlds Biggest Glacier outside the two Poles.
It is also the world`s Highest Glacier.
That is why it is referred to as “The Third Pole.”
It is also the World`s Highest Battle Ground EverBattles have occurred here in-excess of 22,000 ft
India is paying a heavy price at Siachen Glacier. According to a book on the War at Siachen Glacier, 50% of Indian soldiers, who make is back alive, suffer from Permanent Mental Retardation. Not to mention Amputations and other terrible things that Indian soldiers have to go through.
This war has been going on for about 15 year. Though the Price has been heavy for both sides (specially for India), Pakistan has been slowly driving the Indians out of Siachen Glacier (Pakistani Territory), and winning the war.
American, British, European & Japanese mountain climbers have always asked permission from the Pakistani Government to climb Siachen Glacier and its surrendering areas. American Tourist maps clearly show Siachen Glacier inside Pakistan. Indian in the early 80s trained its forces at Antarctica because Antarctica has Siachen Glacier like conditions. This clearly shows India`s Evil Intention which was to Invade Pakistani Siachen Glacier. Indian Majors secretly completed many Expeditions near Siachen Glacier in the early 80s.
Indians are our guests on siachen we love to engag them more thirty years,ho,ha ha
Kaiser Hameed Khan and Samuel Lohri seem about the only commentators with sanity and sophistication. Let’s all be satisfied with whatever we have, shake hands and move ahead to greater cooperation and prosperity. We can take a lesson from deeply divided Europe that has buried the hatchet following the Cold War. Or united Germany for that matter. Let’s look forward, not back!
“I am someone in India who feels creation of Pakistan out of India is the biggest mistake. It is time that the youth of today demand it’s reunion, Pakistanis are like my own people and we are no different than them, all we need is to form a channel and box our opinions together.”
NO, Pakistanis are better than your [edited…]Indians. The sooner you indians realize the better it is for you.
Siachen is part of Pakistan….India needs to shut the F*** UP.
I sincerely hope there will be a solution coming out for Siachen as part of the solution to the vexed Kashmir problem. This area should be demilitarized and promoted as a tourist destination and profits used to set up a peace foundation whose only purpose should be to maintain peace in south asia.
Pakistan and Indian reunion is very unfeasible solution.
Let us not try to inherit taliban burden also along with it. We have too many problems of our own, .
One gental man worried that, in next ten years it is expected that 5000 more Indian soldiers will be burried on Siachin. Do he thought what about Pak soldiers? If he thought 5000 Indian Soldiers than how many from their side? Do he know the pak soldiers question?
One gental man worried that, in next ten years it is expected that 5000 more Indian soldiers will be burried on Siachin. So for indian soldiers question is “Kon bunay ga siachin patti”. Do he thought what about Pak soldiers? If he thought 5000 Indian Soldiers than how many from their side? Do he know the pak soldiers question?
pakistan thimks that where there are muslims that is part of pak u people leave islam we will give u kashmir thimk by ur head u will leave islam lashkare jesuis
“American, British, European & Japanese mountain climbers have always asked permission from the Pakistani Government to climb Siachen Glacier and its surrendering areas.”
Funny, The Chief of Staff of the US Army, General George Casey on October 17, 2008 visited the Siachen Glacier along with Indian Army Chief, General Deepak Kapoor. Probably General Casey was unaware that it was the Pakis who issued the permits! Lol!
Well! Reading comments from indian side i just get the idea how people are happy on having no man’s land, while they ever think about 5000 families who lost their beloved ones. War is drug which ruin nations. Both countries are paying huge price on the cost of sufferings and miseries of their people. Buying unlimited emo from westerns and wasting human lives and resources is very clearable thing for some idiots howling here. They can’t climb up and you can’t go down, that’s a deadlock which can’t be solved by war or wars. The only solution is peaceful several rounds of dialogues. The it can’t be derailed by western supported Mumbai attacks or any other tragedy.
I am someone in India who feels creation of Pakistan out of India is the biggest mistake. It is time that the youth of today demand it’s reunion, Pakistanis are like my own people and we are no different than them, all we need is to form a channel and box our opinions together.
I am sure no one knows that the control Line at Siachin had not been defined i.e there was no border marked by the bounndary commission!The roots of the conflict over Siachen lie in the non-demarcations on the western side of the map beyond a grid point known as NJ 9842.It only said after point 9842 the line follows the line of the Glaciers presumably because in all honesty both the Indians and Pakistanis thought this area was not worth fighting.The Siachen Glacier region, where no fighting had taken place, was left un-delineated, and no attempt was made to clarify the position of the LoC beyond NJ 9842. The LoC was merely described as moving from Nerlin (inclusive to India), Brilman (inclusive to Pakistan), up to Chorbat La in the Turtok sector.
India is determined to keep the Glacier since its northern mountains divide the Central Asia and the Indian sub-continent. Whoever owns the Glacier controls the Shyok and Nubra valleys, as well as the region bordering China. India fears that Pakistan’s control of the Glacier would endanger the security of Ladakh in particular and the state of Jammu & Kashmir in general. The Indians further believe that China and Pakistan want to occupy the Siachen to secure a common border with China to facilitate a closer military link.
No doubt Neta Ji, Subhas Chandra Bose could have turned the tide of events in the subcontinent but who got him killed? My grandfather Colonel Abdul Aziz Tajik was also a member of INA and a close associate of Neta Ji,unfortunately like some politicians in Pakistan India also had its share of wolves in sheeps skins who got Netaji killed.the crash in which he was reported killed never occured and his companions mostly muslim officers lived.
The question now is how can we understand each other now? only through truch, honesty and open arms not through emotionalism and anger which shall draw us closer to another Siachin and sorrow
ciachian is totaly indian land
jai hind
A British Army officer (a Western mole in Kashmiri Hindu King’s military) led the Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1947 to make sure India, a socialist country (India) does not get a direct link with Communist Soviet Union. Ever since then Western countries have used Pakistan to disturb India. Pakistanis never understand that they are just beA British Army officer (a Western mole in Kashmiri Hindu King’s military) led the Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1947 to make sure India, a socialist country (India) does not get a direct link with Communist Soviet Union. Ever since then Western countries have used Pakistan to disturb India. Pakistanis never understand that they are just being used against the enemies of the West. Pakistan lost three battles one after the other using superior western arms, money, and advise. Still they donot understand. It is time to integrate our great nations back into integrated India (Hindutan) like it was before British invasion of India. It is time to be brothers and sisters. It is time to stop terror operations and being afraid of each other.
Siachen is not the issue. Pakistan must stop from being used to stop India, Soviets, and others. If East Germany and West Germany can unite to become one nation called Germany, India and Pakistan can also unite to become one nation called Hindustan/India.
As for Sicachen, India will soon build outsourcing copmputer centers in Siachen like in Bangalore. Pakistani and Indian software engineers will build next generation software for American and European companies companies. God willing, whether you call Allah or Vishnu or Shiva, days are not too far when South Asia will lead in software engineering, Bioengineering, and other high tech areas in the world. And who knows, the thrust may come from a unied India’s biggest pride the Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen Glacier, and Kharakoram Pass. How long can they keep us seperate? After all we look the same, we eat the same spice, we talk the same languages, … we are the same people kept seperated by the wishes of the West.
Brothers and Sisters of Pakistan, come join us in the journey to real prosperity. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose during second world war formed the first Indian National Army (INA) to fight the British. Most of his Generals and top military commanders were Muslims. If Subhas Bose would be alive, there will be no India and Pakistan because British would have been forcibly driven out of united India by INA.
Again, brothers and sisterts of Pakistan, come and join hands. United we, will show the world what we can do.
Who care whose is Siachen. The whole of South Asia is ours. We the people, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddishts… own this great land of Ashoka, Chanakya… Even Great Alexander the Great could not conqour us! We are one and only used against the enemies of the West. Pakistan lost three battles one after the other using superior western arms, money, and advise. Still they donot understand. It is time integrate our great nations back into integrated India (Hindutan) like it was before British invasion of India. It is time to be brothers and sisters. It is time to stop terror operations and being afraid of each other.
Siachen is not the issue. Pakistan must stop from being used to stop India, Soviets, and others. If East German and West Germany can unite to become one nation called Germany, India and Pakistan can also unite to become one nation called Hindustan/India.
As for Sicachen, India will soon build outsourcing copmputer centers in Siachen like in Bangalore. Pakistani and Indian software engineers will build next generation software for American and European companies companies. God willing, whether you call Allah or Vishnu or Shiva, days are not too far when South Asia will lead in software engineering, Bioengineering, and other high tech areas in the world. And who knows, the thrust may come from a unied India’s biggest pride the Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen Glacier, and Kharakoram Pass. How long can they keep us seperate? After all we look the same, we eat the same spice, we talk the same languages, … we are the same people kept seperated by the wishes of the West.
Brothers and Sisters of Pakistan, come join us in the journey to real properity. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose during second world war formed the first Indian National Army (INA) to fight the British. Most of his Generals and top military commanders were Muslims. If Subhas Bose would be alive, there will be no India and Pakistan because British would have been forcibly friven out of South Asia by INA.
Again, brothers and sisterts of Pakistan, come and join hands. United we, will show the world what we can do.
A British Army officer (a Western mole in Kashmiri Hindu King’s military) led the Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1947 to make sure India, a socialist country (India) does not get a direct link with Communist Soviet Union. Ever since then Western countries have used Pakistan to disturb India. Pakistanis never understand that they are just being used against the enemies of the West. Pakistan lost three battles one after the other using superior western arms, money, and advise. Still they donot understand. It is time integrate our great nations back into integrated India (Hindutan) like it was before British invasion of India. It is time to be brothers and sisters. It is time to stop terror operations and being afraid of each other.
Siachen is not the issue. Pakistan must stop from being used to stop India, Soviets, and others. If East German and West Germany can unite to become one nation called Germany, India and Pakistan can also unite to become one nation called Hindustan/India.
As for Sicachen, India will soon build outsourcing copmputer centers in Siachen like in Bangalore. Pakistani and Indian software engineers will build next generation software for American and European companies companies. God willing, whether you call Allah or Vishnu or Shiva, days are not too far when South Asia will lead in software engineering, Bioengineering, and other high tech areas in the world. And who knows, the thrust may come from a unied India’s biggest pride the Jammu and Kashmir, Siachen Glacier, and Kharakoram Pass. How long can they keep us seperate? After all we look the same, we eat the same spice, we talk the same languages, … we are the same people kept seperated by the wishes of the West.
Brothers and Sisters of Pakistan, come join us in the journey to real properity. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose during second world war formed the first Indian National Army (INA) to fight the British. Most of his Generals and top military commanders were Muslims. If Subhas Bose would be alive, there will be no India and Pakistan because British would have been forcibly friven out of South Asia by INA.
Again, brothers and sisterts of Pakistan, come and join hands. United we, will show the world what we can do.
and really hu cares where US and Japan gets their permit.. What is rightly ours is ours
and really hu cares where US and Japan gets their permit.. What is ours is ours
I can simplify the emotions of Indians in a line. “We will not allow you to have an inch of our land”. It is probably the stupidest thing to fight for a no mans land yet it is ours we fight for. We gave Pakistan we invited trouble for a lifetime .We will not succumb to u r brilliant fantasies.. Next try some other means of brain washing with u r so called “diplomatic” ideas. “The western Nations have in connivance with our corrupt Governments”
If not for those governments we would have made a pulp of you all..
Dear Anshuman when you talk to another soverign Nation, be it your enemy, you have to be diplomatic! You can only command your children to Grow up, and I doubt in the present times they think they know more and better than you!
After having read the above posts, one is convinced that most of the people are carried away by emotions and react as children.( My pencil is bigger than yours). We tend to forget realities and try to become experts on matters which we have yet to see on ground.
Realistically speaking both India and Pakistan are stupid to be fighting over a place not Designed by Bhagwan ( Allah) to be inhabited by humans. I have visited the glacier, it is situated at about 19,000 ft, with surrounding peaks rising to over 23,000 ft.No living thing dwells at this altitude.No nation in the world chose to place its Armies at these Altitudes even in the world wars, so what makes India and Pakistan Unique? the answer is bitter for both of us to accept. The western Nations have in connivance with our corrupt Governments ( India and Pakistan) found a wonderful way to sell high altitude clothing and equipment worth Billions of Dollars to both India and Pakistan.Ironically some of the suppliers are supplying these to both India and Pakistan.A classic example is the Lama Helicopter used by both India and Pakistan in Siachin.Regretfully like most of the emotional commentators above, no one knows these facts.No patriotic citizen would let their government spend Billions in campaings which have had no outcome since a quarter of a century now, but the reality is always hidden from the masses.Soldiers are being shoved into Siachin to get them screwed up by the extreme weather not by fighting!Worst of all any Government in India or PAkistan which tries to resolve this issue is bound to collapse amid allegations that it has sold out Siachin to the other Party.I invite Indian veterans who have served in Siachin to highlight the realities for the consumption of the masses so that enough concensus is developed to work out a way to stop the carnage of soldiers by extreme weather and stop Western powers from fleecing our public funds by selling high Altitude equipment at exhorbitant rates.
India is known as the largest Democracy in the World, but does a democracy ever use its Army against its own people calling them as terorists? and if a majority has an opinion, it must be acceded to in Democratic terms!I mean the Will of the People of Kashmir,and other Areas in India where the people are being subdued by the state forces for raising a voice Democratically.
It is only a democratic solution pursued by the masses in India and PAkistan which shall resolve the Siachin issue.First the realities of Siachin will have to be made public by both the governments.
It was only the boldness of President Musharraf in his breakfast conference to the press in India which was about to bring a silent revolution in India and Pakistan. But the Intelligenge agencies came to play and stalled the peace efforts.
Can India swallow Pakistan or Can India swallow Pakistan is stupid Fantasy.Let us imagin what would be the outcome if India swallows Pakistan. The one definite outcome would be a repetition of History when the canc er of talibanisation spreads to New Delhi ,and subsequently another Mughal styled Empire. Mind you the Mughals were the ancestors of the taliban!
Would it not be wise enough to act responsibily and not to play in the hands of western powers like the East Indian company
all i have to say to the pakis is grow up.
please look around, observe and try to understand what is existing out of your 2mm x 2mm box. nobody other than you guys think that siachen is yours.and as far as indian casualties are concerned it is a happy situation there, people actually volunteer to go there. you please worry about your side. i think you took the stats from your own casualties.
Logically if you follow the Line of Control definition as per the Karachi agreementof 1949, the LOC brings the Siachen glacier into Indian territory – so technically we are right. We are in Indian territory, Pakistan has always made claims there but these claims are not based on any accurate data.”
Siachen and complete jammu and kashmir is of indian continent…its merypoor that pakistan is still talking abt some nonsense that saichen belongs to them..initially it has to identify crices in its own country..and before its too late that this kind of ruling and focus no matter they (pakistanis)will see them selves in bottom of most worst countries on earth…it deserves it….
Imp note: If INDIA takes a break and starts concentrating on this issue its sure that it will wipe of PAKISTAN from world map and all world maps on this earth will be reprinted without Pakistan…
Actually, entire Pakistan is essentially a part of Indian Subcontinent. It was a mistake to part with it in first place. We should have simply asked anyone who wanted to leave India to apply for VISA of Saudi, Iraq or Afghanistan. They could have left happily. Instead our stupid leaders believing they were some kind of Kings granted the lands off, which wasnt there to give in first place.
Since the Indo Pak is a fight like divorced couple who cannot even go away. But since 1000s of years, the now Pakistan land has been a part of Indian Subcontinent. Not only Siachen, but all Pakistan should come back to Indian leadership to avail the benefits of a free, democratic, civil, advanced society with industries, market access, and freedom of expression. In their ownselves, they have just destroyed their future, present, are always under military rule, have no civil structure, no manufacturing, no industries, in debt by borrowing billions in Aid since they cannot stand on their own feet. And all aid, they purchase ammunition and go further into debt. Where Indian companies are buying Land Rover, Jaguar, Ritz Carlton, Arcelor Steel, Corus Steel and so on..
Paksitan as a concept is already failed. They need to call it a day before they become the poorest nation standing next to a most powerful industrial nation, and their kids riding bicycles while here we drive Mercedes and Audis.
The siachin is the worst and naked example of Indian aggression, they planned this wicked act to gain control of K2, however the brave Pakistani forces stopped them in middle, and Indians are living in their cold grave yard, and forced to burry their soldiers in ice, instead of burning them as their usual way. In next ten years it is expected that 5000 more Indian soldiers will be burried on Siachin. So for indian soldiers question is “Kon bunay ga siachin patti”
A waste of natural resource where great hotels could be build, beautiful sloping roof bungalows, ice skating, schools; we could have snowmobiles and people could celebrate christmas as well.
People do live in Norwegian countries. Instead two sides with artillery are standing upfront to bomb each other if one walks in. wow.
That is truly a situation. Pakistan has enough land for its people to live and so does India. Why not just forget the past and move on with the idea of what we can build in future. Give a chance to life not wait for death.
People ought to know, that success if beautiful and gives a wonderful life. Learn how to create civilization and draft the lands with technology instead of death and drafting soldiers.
The person who has nmad ethis article is a pure fuck face..
Although it is quite possible that 50% of soldiers in the siachen glacier might be dying, it’s bcoz of the terrorist activities in Pakistan.
All freaky Indians open your nine holes and listen that Siachin is very well part of Pakistan. Get your filthy ASSES out before they be kicked.
Tourist / hikers / trekkers are visiting Siachen since Long time back, even common people in India are visiting Siachen, So PAKISTAN better keep your eyes away from it..or else your army might get one more tight Slap after 2wars and Kargil conflict.
Siachen is in J&K, hence no matter there is a natural entry (land connectivity) to Siachen via India or not, Moreover we don\’t want to give any part of our land even if it doesnt have Petrol/Gold/Minerals…if that is the case then why pakistan wants to claim Siachen.
this is lies. india hold the entry to leh districk.
jai hind.
Thanks for your Needful Information.
Thanks for your needful Informations.
Siachin is an integral part of India. If Americans/UK/Japanese or etc…ask the permission from Pakistan for climbing the Siachin. Its is their foolishness. This they will come to know when they are caught by Indian Army. Jai Hind
Siachin is an integral part of India. I Americans/UK/Japanese or etc…ask the permission from Pakistan for climbing the Siachin. Its is their foolishness. This they will come to know when they are caught by Indian Army. Jai Hind
What about POK, Whose teritory is that
i am political science student from punjab university lahore…….well war is injerious . no need to fight over dead ice where no petrol ,no wealth.
So what if Siachen belongs to Pakist.. sorry it should be called FUCKISTAN. Fuckistanis dont deserve to live, they deserved to be killed just as the Talibanis that they once nurtured are killing them.
Well to all the people of this world, particularly the South Asians & Especially the Pakistanis, kindly note that JAMMU & KASHMIR is an integral part of the Federation of Repulic of INDIA and therefore is non negotiable.
It’s in the best interest of Pakistan that it stops raising the Kashmir issue which it doesn’t claim as its part nor the people of Kashmir as their (In stark contrast to the Indian position that Kashmiris are our people) & instead look into it’s own problem of basic necessities of it’s populace who at the age of 14 Yrs are picking up arms instead of going to School to get Basic Education.
we r keeping siachen because we want to prevent a kargil.. i donno how much this article is based on truth.. siachen glacier is occupied by a democracy(india) which is better than it being occupied by pakistan(anarchy).